At the time of my diagnosis, I had a vision of God.(if you have never heard of this, it is a supernatural dream, but most times while you are awake. It is a way for God to speak to us) He stepped off His throne and down into a battlefield. He was dressed like a Roman soldier, but without any helmet. I was standing on the battlefield, completely unprepared for battle, seemingly caught unaware. He stepped in front of me, swept me behind Him with His right hand, holding me there as He protected me from the battle waged against me. In His left hand, He held a large shield. With it, He stopped fiery arrows that were shot in my direction. I knew He would fight that battle for me. I did not need to fight. In Exodus 14:14, it says, “The Lord will fight for you; you need only BE STILL.”
Every storm or battle we go through gives us the opportunity to build our faith and our shield grows larger. Now a strong faith does not guarantee that things will turn out exactly as WE would like them to. He does promise He will works all things for good for us though.
My story is the one God planned for me, but I know others have different and sometimes more difficult battles. If you have been battling breast cancer and have had to endure chemo or other treatments, it does not reflect on a lack of faith. God uses us to minister to others and He could be using you to show Him to another woman going through the same thing. I had that opportunity within 10 days of my surgery and it was an amazing experience. I was able to speak hope into someone else’s life and I am glad for the opportunity.
Though I never would have picked this path, I am grateful for it. The opportunity to minister to others and share hope has been one I never would have had without cancer. I am reminded of Jesus’ prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane before His death. He asked to be released from the painful experience he was about to endure, but He was submitted to God’s will and was aware of the good that would come from it. I have felt the same way throughout this experience. Though I prayed for a release from the battle, I trusted that God was in control and He would get me through whatever came my way. I knew He would use my experience for good for me, my family and others. Living life that way brings that ‘peace that passes understanding’ and joy which is our strength.
I pray that whatever storm you are going through will bring you closer to the God who created you and loves you and that you will find unexplainable peace, healing, joy and a growth to your faith. You will make it through. He fights for you and He will always be victorious.