Creation Whispers - are you listening?
I have been told that I see God in everything. That's probably because I see Him in His creation and because I learned to look for Him in everything I see. Nature has always been fascinating to me, so much so that I fell in love with biology my first class I took in high school and then continued it as my major in college. In college, studying God's creation brought me closer to Him and taught me more about Him than I had ever known before. I saw His creativity and imagination, his mind at work and His love for us. He created this world to be pleasurable for us - to be aesthetically pleasing and to have every resource we need. His creation shows us who He is and that He does indeed exist, if we only look at the miracles and wonders of what He has created. It's not just in the animals and plants, but in the land, in weather, in the night sky. God is the original scientist. He created biology, zoology, embryology, astonomy, geology, meteorology - every scientific field you can imagine, He created the basis for it. It was put there for us to enjoy, study and to draw us to Him.

I see hearts in many places in nature and have photographed many. God shows us He loves us in everything we see around us, but even more so in the act of giving His Son to die for us. He didn't live in comfort, shy away from the disgusting or die peacefully. He lived and died our worst nightmare and He did it for us.
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