Sunday, April 14, 2013

The Truth About Evolution

These days Evolution is a concept taught in school as fact, although the concept itself is in constant evolution. If you are a person who does not believe in Evolution, this can be a daunting idea that your child will be exposed to these theories. Evolution is not jus a scientific concept, it is a mindset that has permeated our society. Evolution brings about a thought that there is no purpose to life and we all make our own destiny. It also assumes that this life is all there is and that there is no God. That is why I am writing this. If you are a parent with children in school, not yet in school or will someday have children, it is important to have the information to help your child see life from the side of Creation. Looking at it through these eyes brings purpose, respect and hope. It is also the truth.
My experience with Evolution comes as a result of my studies in college. I attended Liberty University, a fundamental Christian college, as a Biology major. The beginning of life on earth was understood, therefore not studied and study of the on the functions, formulas and facts in science was the primary focus. It wasn’t until I transferred to a SUNY school that I was bombarded with Evolution. At first, it angered me. I refused to take it in except to regurgitate it on the test. One day, however, God challenged me to find the truth in Evolution. As Christians, we are taught or just believe that Evolution is totally wrong. What I found though was that there was truth within the theories of evolution that were buried under all of the ‘magic’.
First, what Evolution is. As I said, it has been an evolving theory over many years. It was not a new concept when Darwin wrote about it in the 1800s. Darwin merely put it to paper, giving the existing scientists something to use to ‘prove’ their theories. Darwin’s idea was that of ‘survival of the fittest’ or ‘Natural Selection‘. Essentially, this means that when two of the same species reproduce, there may be certain changes (genetic mutations) in the offspring that make them better able to survive in their environment. Those without these beneficial characteristics may not survive to reproduce while the ones with the better traits do, producing a better versions of the species. Over time, genetic mutations continue to happen, creating better and better versions of the species, which eventually become new species, vastly different from those in the previous generations. Truthfully, genetic mutations are primarily detrimental to an individual like Albinism in animals. Evolution was supposed to have begun with single-celled bacteria, which eventually evolved into the millions of species of plants and animals that exist in the world today. Of course, these changes also are said to have happened over hundreds of millions of years. When I was in high school biology over 20 years ago, the main idea in Evolution was that humans evolved from apes. That changed to some sort of common ancestor and a ‘tree’ to show how all of the similar species evolved independently of each other. By the time I was at the SUNY school, birds had evolved from dinosaurs. As my son watches childrens’ shows about dinosaurs, dinosaurs are now something different than reptiles and the time it has taken species to evolve gets longer.
Isaac Newton developed irrefutable scientific laws in the 1600s and 1700s relating to motion and thermodynamics. Of most interest is his second law of thermodynamics. He states that in an isolated system, everything goes toward entropy or randomness (disorder). At the beginning of the universe there was the lowest amount of disorder and everything progresses in the direction of increased disorder over time. Evolution is a progression of increased complexity and order, not toward randomness. We can see that this law is true in how we age and watching the decay of an abandoned house. When left alone, an abandoned house wouldn’t become a mansion. Evolution violates this basic and accepted scientific law.
In the next few entries, I will help you find the truth in evolution and obtain a more complete picture of Creation itself.

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